About The Artist
Craig James
Craig James, is a rapper/singer from New Orleans, La. He was introduced to music at a very young age by attending church with his grandmother Doris Rose. Craig then started to sign up for talent shows and take music serious. James was diagnosed wit mild cerebral palsy in 2001, which affects his muscles. From preforming at a Teen Summit hosted by Wild Wayne to opening up for the OMG girls, and Diggy Simmons James released his first single “Why Her?” in 2014. James has collaborated with numerous notable rappers since then, including Neno Calvin, Maxxpain, KenthBrother, and others. In 2021 he was signed by superstar recording artist ROD WAVE to his his label imprint Hit House Entertainment. It has been a long journey for James now with a label to call home it is much more to see with his debut LP with the Label. Hometown New Orleans, La Born June 29, 2000 Genre Hip-Hop/Rap
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